Saturday, April 9, 2011

Be Positive...Through It All

As we all know, life can get you down. Anything from school, family, financial issues, relationships, your job, unemployed etc. But we must remember through it all it won't last forever. 

Keeping a positive outlook on life in todays world can be difficult. It may seem impossible but it's not. One thing I find helpful is affirmation.

What is affirmation? 

the act or an instance of affirming state of being affirmed.

the assertion that something exists or is true.

something that is affirmed a statement or proposition thatis declared to be true.

MIND over matter...

With that being said, set affirmation goals for yourself. That is something I'm currently challenging myself to do. I try to have a different affirmation each week.

You can check out my blog Getting To Know Ashley N. where I did a blog post on Positive Affirmation Challenge

All in all, keep your head up high, and meditate as often as you can.
